Does Target Drug Test for Employment?

“Does Target drug test for employment?” This is a question I have received over and over again. There’s no doubt that Target is one of the largest chains in the country and is present almost everywhere you go. It makes a lot of sense for people to seek employment at Target.

Unfortunately, recreational drug use can be an problem when it comes to finding a job there.

Companies that use drug tests to screen applicants make it clear that they don’t want to hire any drug user. Nonetheless, recreational drug use doesn’t necessarily mean a user will make a bad employee or will show up to work while under the influence.

Knowing whether or not a place drug tests for employment can help you prepare for the job interview.

Target Company Facts

Target is the eighth largest retailer in the United States in terms of gross sales. The company was founded in 1902, over 110 years ago, and was initially called Goodfellow Dry Goods. The name Target only came in the year 2000. The company’s headquarters is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There are over 1,800 stores in the United States and the company employs over 350,000 people.

Those looking for a job to gain experience, an internship, or even a permanent well-paying job with career opportunities should consider applying at Target. The company offers a host of positions at their local stores and at HQ. In a local store you can work as a cashier, in stocking, assisting customers, and more. You can also work in their many warehouses.

If you feel you’re qualified, you can even apply for a job as store or branch manager. Alternatively, you can apply for a job at corporate HQs working in accounting, finance, marketing, or HR.

Keep Reading to Find OutHow to Pass Your Drug Test

Target Drug Test Policy in 2024

Target has a very strict no drug policy, meaning that it won’t allow employees to go to work under the influence. Doing so can lead to very serious consequences including termination of contract. If you’re going to be drug tested at Target, you can expect the test to look for the primary suspects: marijuana, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, methamphetamine, opioids, and cocaine.

What to Expect During Target Hiring Process

The hiring process at target is one of the simplest around. Most people are hired within 3 days of submitting their application. You’ll have to apply for a job online and then wait for them to contact you. They’ll usually contact you within 1-3 days via email or phone to setup an interview.

Almost all applicants go through only one interview. You’ll be asked about prior work experiences and a few scenario questions.

Most people are told whether or not they have the job once the interview is over and remuneration is discussed. You’ll probably have to go through a few days of orientation, but they’re easy and you most likely won’t struggle.

The smooth and swift hiring process is another factor that makes Target an attractive place to work. For some people, the process only takes a day, while for others it may take a week at the most.

Does Target Drug Tested Before Working at Target?

I did a lot of research to find out whether or not Target drug tests for pre-employment. If you’re looking for the short answer then it is ‘yes’, Target does drug test for employment.

I found a few responses saying that they didn’t need to take a drug test. However, the majority of respondents, irrespective of from which state they were from, said they had to take a drug test.

Those living in California, New York, Virginia, and New Hampshire will most definitely be drug tested. It’s safe to assume that most other states drug test as well. But there are a few exceptions. My advice is that you should prepare for a drug test regardless of which state you are in.

Alternatively, you can go to the Target you’re applying to and ask people who work there whether or not they were drug tested as a prerequisite for employment. They’re going to be the ones most familiar with the local branch’s most recent drug policies.

Does Target Do Random and Pre-Promotional Drug Test?

Target has the right to drug test you whenever it sees fit. However, the company isn’t known for carrying out random or unprompted drug tests. You’ll probably only be tested if you’re involved in a work accident or your manager suspects you’re high on the job.

It’s advisable that people always show up for work sober in order to avoid being caught by an unexpected drug test resultant from a work related accident.

If you’re up for a promotion, then you’re likely to be drug tested. The company likes to maintain a drug free environment. Therefore, it tests managers before hiring or promoting them.

What Kind of Drug Test Does Target Use?

Target uses either a urine test or a mouth swab to drug test potential employees. The type of drug test used depends on the branch testing.

Most people say that they got a urine drug test, but a few reported having to take a mouth swab test. Mouth swab tests are the easiest to pass and require only a few days of abstinence from drugs.

Can You Fail Your Drug Test for Using Prescription Drugs?

No, you can’t fail a drug test if you’re using prescription drugs. You just need to inform your interviewer or manager that you’re on prescription drugs that can show up positive on a drug screen. You can also give them your doctor’s contact info so they can confirm it with him or her.

The reason for you taking prescription drugs and what you’re taking is private information. Neither you nor your doctor is obliged to provide this information to Target, or any other employer for that matter.

How to Pass Urine and Saliva Drug Tests at Target?

Urine Drug Test

If you do face a urine drug test at Target, by adhering to the following you will have a good chance of passing the test.

  1. If you are a light marijuana user, you should abstain from using marijuana for at least 4-6 days before the test,
  2. If you are a moderate user–  abstain for at least 10-12 days before the test, and
  3. If you are a heavy use – abstain at least 35-90 days before the test.

If you have enough time before your test and you would like to significantly speed your natural body detoxification process, you might consider completing a whole body Toxin Rid detox program combined with light aerobic exercise, visiting  a sauna, drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy diet before the test.

Our #1 Recommendation for Effective DetoxHelp you to pass your drug test

If you don’t have enough time to cleanse your body from THC, on the drug test day you might consider drinking a detox drink like XXTRA Clean or Herbal Clean QCarbo20. Such detox drinks are most effective for the light and moderate users.

If you still test positive on a home urine drug test after completing detox program, drinking a detox drink, or caught by surprise with your test, you might consider using synthetic urine. This may work for an unsupervised test. However, there is always the risk of being caught and facing penalties for such action.


Saliva Drug Test

If you have to take a saliva drug test, you shouldn’t worry about it much if you abstain from marijuana for at least 48-72 hours beforehand, and brush your teeth and gums properly and use a strong mouthwash like Listerine the day of the test. This will significantly increases your chances of passing a swab test.

Our #1 Recommendation for Effective Saliva DetoxHelp you to pass your saliva drug test


Target is a great place to work with lots of branches throughout the country, many vacancies, and great job opportunities. The hiring process is swift, taking only about 3 days in most cases. Most Target branches will drug test employees before hiring them. So the best thing to is abstain from drugs at least a week before your interview if you are a light user, and longer if you are a moderate to heavy user (see above).

Thank you for reading our article “Does Target drug test for Employment?”

We would love to hear about your experiences going through Target hiring process and drug testing procedures.

We believe others who are applying for a job at Target will definitely appreciate and benefit from your comments.

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Helpful links:

“How Long Does Weed (THC) Stay in Your Urine? – Important Data You Need to Know!!!”

“Fact or Fiction – You Can Beat a Drug Test with Home Remedies?”

Learn more here:

PMC, Chemistry, Metabolism, and Toxicology of Cannabis: Clinical Implications

American Journal of Clinical Pathology, The Effects of Adulterants and Selected Ingested Compounds on Drugs-of-Abuse Testing in Urine, The marijuana detection window: Determining the length of time cannabinoids will remain detectable in urine following smoking


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