Does Danone Drug Test New Employees?

If you are looking for a new job at Danone, it is vital to know the answer to the questions “Does Danone drug test new employees or not?” Danone provides food products for almost the entire world. The company was founded in Barcelona, Spain, but is currently based in Paris, France. In the United States, it might be better known as “Dannon.”

Getting hired can be difficult for recreational drug users because most workplaces choose to drug test employees first. Danone has over 100,000 employees across the globe. Becoming one of them might be a dream of yours but joining any company as a recreational drug user can be difficult. That’s why I decided to do the research and find out of Danone drug tests new employees before hiring them.

Danone Company Facts

Danone was founded in Barcelona over 100 years ago. The company has enjoyed incredible success ever since it was founded. It’s now a multinational company and its food products are everywhere around the world. There are plenty of jobs provided by Danone in the United States. Danone has multiple factories and distributing centers in America. The company also has a team dedicated to marketing the company’s products in the United States as it’s a huge market.

At Danone, you can work in packaging, distribution, industrial planning, or maintenance planning. You can also find work as a quality engineer or in other departments like accounting or marketing. Depending on your expertise, you should find a suitable job to apply to.

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Danone Drug Test Policy in 2024

Danone is a well known brand with a reputation to keep. That’s why they won’t accept affecting that reputation by having customer complaints that one of their employees was high on the job. Danone has a strict no drug policy so you should never show up to your shift while under the influence of any drugs.

If you’re tested at Danone, they’re going to test you for marijuana, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, and more. Testing positive for any of these can lead to serious consequences like getting fired.

What to Expect During Danone Hiring Process?

You can apply to jobs at Danone via temp agencies or other similar mediums. It’s also possible to apply to a job directly through their website. If you’re selected for an interview, you’ll be given a phone call. Most people go through a couple of interviews before proceeding with the hiring process. Interviews are simple and short. You shouldn’t have too much to worry about.

If you pass your interviews and they decide to hire you, you’ll need to pass a background check and a drug test. These are the items where many people fail and end up not being hired at Danone. You should prepare in advance for your drug test if you really care about getting a job at one of the biggest food product companies in the world.

Does Danone Drug Test New Employees?

Unfortunately for all recreational drug users, Danone drug tests employees before hiring them.

This is bad news because many qualified individuals would make excellent employees but the only obstacle they face is drug testing. It’s bad news if you’re interested in getting a job at Danone because you might not be prepared to take a drug test. A positive result will rule you out from getting the job.

Your interview performance will determine whether or not you get to the drug test though. You shouldn’t go to the interview while on drugs because it’ll make you seem like you’re not taking the job seriously and they will be reluctant to hire you.

Does Danone Do Random and Pre-Promotional Drug Test?

Danone has the right to randomly drug test its employees. The company is known for its strict no drug use policy. It won’t shy away from randomly drug testing employees even if they don’t seem suspicious or like they’re using drugs. It’s not a good idea to show up to work while on drugs though because if your manager suspects it, there will most likely be serious consequences.

It seems like Danone drug test people before a promotion. Perhaps the best policy to avoid trouble during your career at Danone is to abstain from drug use while working there. This means avoiding all drugs even after getting hired.

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What Kind of Drug Test Does Danone Use?

As mentioned earlier, the instances where Danone drug tested employees are frequent. When they decide to drug test someone, they use a urine drug test. You’ll urinate in a collection cup and give it to them. They’ll take the sample to a lab for it to be analyzed. The lab will then send the results back to Danone. You will need to go through this at least while getting hired and probably a couple of more times while working there.

Can You Fail Your Drug Test for Using Prescription Drugs?

No, you can’t fail your drug test for using prescription drugs as the company won’t be allowed to fail you. You just need to let them know that your urine sample might come back positive for drugs because you’re on a prescription.

How to Pass Drug Test at Danone?

Because of very strict no drug policy at Danone company, the best approach would be abstaining from using any drugs including marijuana for a while. This concerns especially heavy marijuana users since they might test positive for THC from 35 up to 90 days. Light and moderate users have a chance to become clean within 10 days though.

If you need to pass your test but you didn’t have enough time to clean naturally, on your drug test day you might try using detox drinks like XXTRA Clean or Herbal Clean QCarbo32.

If you are a regular user, either you might consider completing at least a 10 day whole body detox program or  if your urine drug test is not supervised, I have seen that some heavy users have resorted to using synthetic urine as their backup emergency plan.



Danone is a great place to work and it’s a well-known multinational company that provides high quality food products. The hiring process is simple and far from difficult but the presence of a drug test complicates it. Try to abstain from all drug use before you apply for a job there and you shouldn’t have much trouble landing jobs at Danone.

Thank you for reading our article “Does Danone Drug Test New Employees?”

We would love to hear about your experiences going through Danone hiring process and drug testing procedure.

We believe others who are applying for jobs at Danone will definitely appreciate and benefit from it.

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Helpful links:

“How Long Does Weed (THC) Stay in Your Urine? – Important Data You Need to Know!!!”

“Fact or Fiction – You Can Beat a Drug Test with Home Remedies?”

Learn more here:

PMC, Chemistry, Metabolism, and Toxicology of Cannabis: Clinical Implications

American Journal of Clinical Pathology, The Effects of Adulterants and Selected Ingested Compounds on Drugs-of-Abuse Testing in Urine, The marijuana detection window: Determining the length of time cannabinoids will remain detectable in urine following smoking

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